SmokeLong is pleased to announce two new staff editors.
Eshani Surya is the new associate editor for social media and marketing. She is based in New York City. Her writing has appeared in Flyway: Journal of Writing & Environment, Publishing Trendsetter, Minetta Review, and First Class Lit. She also works in publishing at Bloomsbury USA, marketing both children’s and adult trade books. Her Twitter handle is @__eshani.
Virgie Townsend is our new associate editor for blog content. Virgie’s story “The Freeze” was included in SmokeLong Quarterly: The Best of the First 10 Years anthology and she has been a guest editor for us. Recently, she wrote a post for the SLQ blog about her experience teaching a flash fiction writing course to high school students. Virgie is from Syracuse, New York, and will be based there as of end of March. Her flash fiction has been featured in such publications as Tin House’s Flash Fridays, Gargoyle, and Bartleby Snopes, as well as the anthology Best of Pif, Volume One. Find her online at http://virgietownsend.com, or on Twitter @virgietownsend.