
SmokeLong Quarterly

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The Cockroach

Story by David Barringer (Read author interview) March 15, 2008

Distrustful of maids, she placed a plastic cockroach inside the unzippered flap of her duffel bag. She went to the medical seminar, held in the hotel, and returned to her room in the evening.

Her duffel had been pounded flat, thrashed.
“Gotcha,” she said.

She lost her cockroach and then, on her final day, found it, next to her duffel bag on the floor. When she reached to pick it up, it ran away.

About the Author

David Barringer is an author, freelance writer, graphic designer, photographer, and artist. He grew up in Michigan. He now lives with his family in North Carolina. His home on the web is www.davidbarringer.com.

This story appeared in Issue Twenty of SmokeLong Quarterly.
SmokeLong Quarterly Issue Twenty

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