Each quarter SmokeLong asks several writers from the flash community and beyond to join our team to read submissions alongside our submissions editors. We do this to ensure that SmokeLong remains inclusive and expansive in our editorial tastes. This quarter we are thrilled and grateful to invite Melissa Llanes Brownlee, Corey Farrenkopf, Adeola Opeyemi, Julia Strayer, and Nathan Xie to be Readers in Residence at SmokeLong! Paired with our staff editors, they will be reading submissions for Issue 77.
Melissa Llanes Brownlee (she/her), a native Hawaiian writer, living in Japan, has work published or forthcoming in SmokeLong Quarterly, Booth, Pleiades, The Citron Review, Milk Candy Review, (mac)ro(mic), Necessary Fiction, NFFR, trampset, Superstition Review, jmww, Emerge Literary Journal, Newfound, Reckon Review, The Hennepin Review, Lost Balloon, The Best Small Fictions 2021, and Best Microfiction 2022. Read Hard Skin, her short story collection, coming soon from Juventud Press. She tweets @lumchanmfa and talks story at www.melissallanesbrownlee.com.
Corey Farrenkopf lives on Cape Cod with his wife, Gabrielle, and works as a librarian. He is the fiction editor for The Cape Cod Poetry Review. His work has been published in The Southwest Review, Catapult, Tiny Nightmares, SmokeLong Quarterly, Wigleaf, Three-
Adeola Opeyemi is a writer and developmental editor. She was a finalist for the 2015 Writivism Short Story Prize, 2016/2019 Morland Foundation Scholarship, and a fellow of the Ebedi Writers’ Residency. A 2020 Miles Morland African Writer Scholar at the University of East Anglia, Adeola has been published in online and print journals. She has served as editor on several lit mags, including Sankofa magazine, Afridiaspora and Yaba Left Review. She is the editor/co-editor of My Africa, My City (an anthology of writings about African cities) and Obibini Te Ase: an anthology of new writing from Ghana.
Julia Strayer has stories in, or forthcoming at, The Cincinnati Review, Glimmer Train, Kenyon Review Online, SmokeLong Quarterly, Atticus Review, and others, including The Best Small Fictions. She teaches at New York University. www.juliastrayer.
Nathan Xie is a writer from Connecticut. His work appears or is forthcoming in SmokeLong Quarterly, The Margins (AAWW), Gone Lawn, Janus Literary, and more. His website is nathan-xie.com.