Tom Hazuka received an M.A. in English/creative writing from the University of California at Davis and a Ph.D. from the University of Utah, and is currently a Professor of English at Central Connecticut State University. He has published two novels, The Road to the Island and In the City of the Disappeared, and one book of nonfiction, A Method to March Madness: An Insider’s Look at the Final Four (co-written with C.J. Jones). A former editor of Quarterly West magazine, he has also co-edited two popular short story anthologies: A Celestial Omnibus: Short Fiction on Faith (Beacon Press, 1997), and Flash Fiction (W.W. Norton, 1992). His short fiction, including numerous flash fiction stories, has appeared in many literary magazines. His essays on flash fiction have been published in the online journal Spark and the textbook Behind the Short Story (Longman, 2005).