Elisa Faison recently completed her PhD in Contemporary American Fiction at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. She works as a bookseller at Flyleaf Books in Chapel Hill, NC and as a freelance novel editor on Reedsy. Her debut novel is being represented by Carrie Howland at Howland Literary Agency. She has published or forthcoming work in The Lumiere Review, Extrapolation, The Carolina Quarterly, The Women’s Review of Books, and Ethos Review. Her story “A Survey of Modern Art” received an Honorable Mention in Typehouse Literary Magazine’s 2022 Short Fiction Contest, judged by author Angela Jackson-Brown. Follow her on Twitter at @ElisaFaison.
Stories in Smokelong Quarterly
A Sex Fantasy Before I Fall Asleep Next to My Husband
Interview: Smoke & Mirrors with Elisa Faison