
SmokeLong Quarterly

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Darlin’ Neal

Darlin’ Neal’s story collection, Rattlesnakes and the Moon, was a 2008 finalist for the New Rivers Press MVP award and a 2007 finalist for the GS Sharat Chandra Prize.In the last three years, her work has been nominated seven times for the Pushcart Prize, and appears in Per Contra, The Southern Review, Shenandoah, Puerto del Sol and numerous other magazines. Her nonfiction piece, “The House in Simi Valley,” which first appeared in storySouth, has been selected for the forthcoming anthology, Online Writing: The Best of The First Ten Years and Wigleaf chose her short story, “Red Brick,” which appeared first in SmokeLong Quarterly as one of the top fifty short shorts on the web in 2008. She has work forthcoming in Eleven Eleven and Dogs: Wet and Dry, A Collection of Canine Flash Fiction, and other magazines. She is assistant professor of creative writing in the University of Central Florida’s MFA program and this year’s final judge for Wigleaf‘s Top 50 Flash Fiction.


Stories in Smokelong Quarterly

Story: Trace
Interview: Smoking With Dorianne Laux

Story: Beret
Interview: Smoking With Darlin’ Neal

Story: Red Brick
Interview: Smoking With Darlin’ Neal


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