Here’s an update on what some of SmokeLong‘s contributors and staff have been up to lately.
From our contributors:
Rob McClure Smith’s collection The Violence was released on October 27th from Queen’s Ferry Press. Rob’s story “Glasgow Lullaby” was published in Issue Sixteen and is included in the collection.
Ashley Hutson‘s fiction piece, “I Am Going to Write a Poem Titled ‘The Mercy of Geography,’ and It’s Going to Be About How Unmerciful Geography Is” was published at McSweeney’s Internet Tendency on October 27th. On October 26th, her short story, “Treatment,” was featured at Enclave. She also had a triptych titled “Excoriation” published at The Journal of Compressed Creative Arts on November 9th, and her poem, “By the Abelia,s” was published in Pankhearst‘s print anthology, This Body I Live In on November 17th. Her story, “At Night, By the Creek,” appeared in Issue Forty-Seven.
Bonnie Jo Stufflebeam has just signed with Ann Collette of Rees Literary. Ann will represent Bonnie’s first novel, The Last Siren. Bonnie has also had four short stories appear in October 2015: “A Careful Fire” in Beneath Ceaseless Skies, “Sleeping With Spirits” in Mothership Zeta, “Husband Wife Lover” in PRISM International , and “The Centaur’s Daughter” in A cappella Zoo. Her story, “Six Ways to Break Her,” appeared in Issue Forty-Seven.
From our staff:
Chris Allen’s story, “One for Rainbow,” appears in Change Seven Magazine 1.3, and his story, “Fred’s Massive Sorrow,” appears in Eclectica Magazine 19.4 and will be included in Eclectica Magazine’s 20th anniversary speculative anthology to be released spring 2016. Congrats to Eclectica on 20 years of fabulous work!
Isaac Boone Davis’ flash story, “Pictionary,” is live at Bartleby Snopes.
Gay Degani’s collection of 46 shorts stories and a novella, Rattle of Want, came out on November 25th from Pure Slush Press.
Ashley Inguanta also had work come out in Bartleby Snopes, a flash piece entitled “The Edge of the World.” Corium Magazine nominated her for Best of the Net in Poetry. And her story “Paradise” was included in Francesca Lia Block & Jessa Mendez’s anthology, Rough Magick.