Read on for the latest news from our fabulous contributors and our very own SmokeLong staff!
Bud Smith has a new novel, F250, out from Piscataway House Publications. His story, “Junior in the Tunnels,” appeared in Issue Forty-Four.
Be on the look out for a new piece from Thaddeus Gunn in the fall issue of Origins. His story, “White Guys Are All the Same” appeared in Issue Forty-three.
Faith Gardner‘s novel Perdita debuted this month from Merit Press. You can read her story “Second Runner-Up” in Issue Thirty-Eight.
Carol Guess and Kelly Magee’s new short story collection With Animal is out now from Black Lawrence Press. The first story in the collection, “With Dragon,” appeared in Issue Thirty-Nine. And watch out for a second collaboration from the pair, Your Sick, which will debut in Winter 2016.
Dustin M. Hoffman won the 2015 Prairie Schooner Book Prize in Fiction for his short story collection One-Hundred Knuckled Fist, which will be published by University of Nebraska Press is September of 2016. His story, “Conch Tongue,” is included in Issue 191 of Cimarron Review. Another story, “Pitch,” is in Pleiades 35.2, which is available here. And his story, “A Solution for Ross,” is in Issue 8 of Sundog Lit, available here.
Katie McClendon‘s story, “A Small Happiness,” was published in Cutbank‘s “All Accounts and Mixture” series. Her story, “The Easy Arm of Adam,” appeared in Issue Forty-Eight.
Virgie Townsend‘s compelling essay, “Solving a Family Mystery 68 Years After a Death on D-Day,” was published at the Huffington Post on May 25. Not only is Virgie a past guest editor, she was also SLQ’s most recent guest blogger, and her story, “The Freeze,” appeared in Issue Thirty-Four.
Angela Readman‘s debut short story collection, Don’t Try This at Home, was published by And Other Stories in May. It was the winner of a Saboteur Award and has just won The Rubery Book Award. Angela is a past guest editor, and her story “Shit To Do with a Wedding Dress,” was featured in Issue Thirty-Eight.
Ashley Inguanta was voted “Best Poet in Orlando” in the Orlando Weekly‘s Best Of awards. She also has an interview with past guest editor Molly Gaudry in the next issue of Rain Taxi. They’ll discuss Molly’s new book Desire: A Haunting from Ampersand Books. Ashley also received an Art in Odd Places grant with Tara Young to complete two wheat paste murals and create a “safe space” for journaling/meditating/being in Downtown Orlando in September. Keep up the amazing work, Ashley!
Christopher Allen’s story “The Ground Above My Feet,” is featured in Issue 20 of Literary Orphans.
Karen Craigo, along with Michael Czyzniejewski and Karen Babine, started Paper Crane Writing Services, which offers workshops, individual critiques, daily prompts, and more. Take a look!
As always, keep the good news coming!