
SmokeLong Quarterly

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Issue 84 Launch Party!

June 9, 2024

We’re throwing a party, and you are invited. Yes you. Your disco needs you. On June 15th at 4pm ET we’ll be celebrating the winners of The SmokeLong Quarterly Award for Flash Fiction, so we hope you’ll join us. Issue 84 comes out on June 17th, but you can listen to lots of the issue’s contributors read their work a couple of days early. How much fun is this?

Date: June 15
Time: 4pm NYC online. Please check and double check for your particular time zone!
Duration: around 90 minutes
Zoom Link: Please email us at editor@smokelong.com for the link. 

If you are participating in A SmokeLong Summer 24 or are a member of SmokeLong Fitness, you’ll receive the invitation link. We’ll be giving away 10 prizes in the Big ASS* Raffle of A SmokeLong Summer 24! This raffle is for participants of A SmokeLong Summer 24.

*A SmokeLong Summer


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Try SmokeLong Fitness

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Try SmokeLong Fitness for two months!

Are you curious about the community workshop of SmokeLong Fitness but don’t know if you can commit to a year without a peek behind the curtain? You can try SmokeLong Fitness in January and February 2025 for just $55, and then you can decide whether this community works for you. The base peer-review workshop takes place on our dedicated site all in writing so that you can participate from anywhere, anytime.