What inspired this piece?
My drive to work -I’m a paramedic- and the dread of getting there.
What books or authors most influence(d) you?
I find myself swayed by Bukowski, Kerouac, and Dylan… My fave book is Roget’s Thesaurus.
Do you write on a regular schedule?
LOL!! No… I write when something I see, a scene I’m called to, or a conversation I overhear, inspires me.
Were you always courageous enough to submit your work for publication?
No… this is the first time, actually.
Is there anything else you’d like to tell our readers? Or to tell us what gifts you would like for your birthday? Or to say “Hi Mom!”?
Yes… I’d really like to aquire an agent, but have no clue as to how to do that, as I’ve been told agents are a disreputable bunch. For my next birthday, I think I should like a day off… and Hi to Donna, my partner in life.