Each year around this time, SmokeLong gives something back to the literary community (flash and otherwise). In the past we’ve awarded some cash to a literary journal nominated by our readers, a journal that had done something special for the community and deserved the extra boost. We’ve also given randomly selected social media followers books and money. This year we’re going to allow our readers to choose a new (to us) charitable organization to support. We already support–or have supported–the organizations HERE, but we are searching for one more organization that gives back to the community to add during this season of FlashGiving.
As an incentive, we’ll also choose one person (randomly selected from those nominating organizations) $100.
To nominate an organization, share a link to their website, say briefly why they deserve support, and tag SmokeLong (#smokelong) in the post. You can post on Blue Sky, X (formerly Twitter), or Instagram. Please follow us on these social media platforms to make sure we are well connected.
The deadline to post your nominations on Blue Sky, X, or Insta is November 20th.
Thank you,
Christopher and the SmokeLong Team