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Fridge Flash: Der Goldenefisch / The Goldfish

October 21, 2019

Today’s fridge flash comes from nine-year-old Rafael from Vienna, Austria.


by Rafael Furmuzachi

The English Translation:

It was a beautiful spring morning when the alarm clock in Heinz’s room went off. There was nobody there to silence it because the boy was already squatting by the river scooping out water. That’s when he saw something glistening in his pan. He stopped, lifting the pan. “Gold, finally!” he thought, but then noticed the glistening gilded back of a fish dashing under the water. He grabbed his net and just managed to catch it.

The fish leapt up and bit him in the heart. Heinz died soon after.


Rafael Furmuzachi’s world is full of stories populated with an eclectic mix of characters fished out from books and movies and audio stories. Rafael just turned 9 and he enjoys school, though he is happier fishing or working on his rendition of Hogwarts made out of Lego bricks.


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