
SmokeLong Quarterly

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Readers in Residence — Issue 75

December 2, 2021

Each quarter SmokeLong asks several writers from the flash community and beyond to join our team to read submissions alongside our submissions editors. We do this to ensure that SmokeLong remains inclusive and expansive in our editorial tastes. This quarter we are thrilled and grateful to invite Vincent Anioke, Kaya Dierks, Jo Gatford, and Janna Miller to be Readers in Residence at SmokeLong! Paired with our staff editors, they will be reading submissions for issue 75.

Librarian, mother, and minor trickster, Janna Miller has published in places like SmokeLong Quarterly, Andromeda Spaceways, F(r)iction, and Cheap Pop. Her first novel, Ivy in the Age of Falling Ash, makes rude faces at her while she works on her second. Nominated for Best Small Fictions. Generally, if the toaster blows up, it is not her fault. You can reach her on twitter: @ScribblerMiller

Vincent Anioke is a software engineer at Google. He was born and raised in Nigeria but now lives in Canada. His short stories have appeared in Split Lip Magazine, Carve, Pithead Chapel, Bending Genres, and MIT Tech Review, among others. He was also shortlisted for the 2021 Commonwealth Short Story Prize and is currently working on his debut anthology. Find him on Twitter at @AniokeVincent

Kaya Dierks is a mixed-race, Korean-American writer from the San Francisco Bay Area. Her prose is published in SmokeLong Quarterly, The Adroit Journal, GASHER Journal, and elsewhere. The Fiction Editor of GASHER Journal, she will attend Yale University in fall 2022. Find her on Twitter @kayadierks

Jo Gatford is a writer who procrastinates about writing by writing about writing. Her work has been published by SmokeLong Quarterly, Litro, [PANK], Aesthetica, and elsewhere, as well as winning the Flash500 Prize, the Bath Flash Fiction Prize, and The Fiction Desk Flash Fiction Contest. Her first novel, White Lies, was published by Legend Press in 2014. She is one half of Writers’ HQ and tweets about weird 17th century mermaid tiles at @jmgatford. She feels very strongly about puns and Shakespeare.


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The March Micro Marathon 25

Book Now!

We’re doing it again! We’re homing in on the micro: 100-word, 250-word, and 400-word stories. In March 2025 SmokeLong is hosting The March Micro Marathon, a 24-day workshop with a new writing task each day, peer review in small groups, 3 webinars, a reading and interview with Michelle Ross and the editors of 100 Word Story, and 3 competitions with cash prizes.