It was a beautiful morning. The roaring seas and vast mountains, the spring that melts the snow when the sun shines on the top of mountains, making the waters of spring. The sun went lower, hiding behind the mountain at its own pace like a child getting tired and trying to go for a rest. I glanced at the house and the landscape really looked like a painting, a painting full of emotions—a tired sun, a sleepy fire waiting for the spring to wake up, a bench waiting to be used as a meeting place for a happy family. Foggy weather’s desires. I saw old trees getting older and the branches falling down. The wind howled in the night, lightning danced across the sky. The sound of the leaves made me fall silent. With the noise of the angry rain, tears were almost bursting like an ocean. But flowers will blossom in the spring.
Smoke and Mirrors with Arozo Wakili
Interviewed by Jemimah Wei
How do you hope readers are changed by your story, and how did writing the story change you?
By writing a story, it helps me to tell the world my feelings toward nature. I want people to love nature and keep it clean and not destroy it.
What was the most memorable moment in the process of writing this piece?
A painting full of emotions, a tired sun, a sleepy fire waiting for the spring to wake up, a bench waiting to be used as a meeting place for a happy family.
Hi, my name is Arozo. I’m so happy that I can write a story to share with you to read. And to inspire people to love nature more.
Art by Rasa Kasparaviciene