Each quarter SmokeLong asks several writers from the flash community and beyond to join our team to read submissions alongside our submissions editors. We do this to ensure that SmokeLong remains inclusive and expansive in our editorial tastes. This quarter we are thrilled to invite the following Readers in Residence to SmokeLong! They will be reading submissions for issue 73.
Armando Celayo’s fiction and essays have been published in Ambit, matchbook, and NonDoc, among numerous other places, and anthologized in Un Nuevo Sol: British LatinX Writers and The Salt Anthology of New Writing. He has also won several awards, including a grant from Arts Council England, and is a member of Invisible Presence, a collective of British Latinx writers and poets. He has an M.A. in Creative Writing from the University of East Anglia, where he earned the Malcolm Bradbury Trust Continuation Grant and was shortlisted for the Curtis Brown Award. He is currently working on his first book, For the Recovery of Lost Things.
Patricia Q. Bidar hails from San Pedro, California, with deep family roots in New Mexico, Arizona, and Utah. She is an alum of the UC Davis Graduate Writing Program. Patricia’s stories have appeared in SmokeLong Quarterly, Wigleaf, Sou’wester, Little Patuxent Review, and Pidgeonholes, among other places. Patricia’s work has been nominated for The Pushcart Prize, Best of the Net, Best Small Fictions, and Best Microfiction. When she is not writing fiction, Patricia reads, enjoys nature, and ghostwrites for nonprofit organizations. She lives with her DJ husband and unusual dog in the San Francisco Bay Area. Visit Patricia at www.patriciaqbidar.com or on Twitter (@patriciabidar).
Sara Siddiqui Chansarkar is an Indian American writer. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in SmokeLong Quarterly, Reflex Press, Flash Fiction Online, and elsewhere. Her work has been highly commended in National Flash Fiction Day Microfiction Competition, earned an honorable mention in Flash Fiction Magazine Editor’s Choice Award, and shortlisted in the SmokeLong Quarterly Grand Micro Contest. She has been nominated multiple times for Pushcart and Best of the Net awards. She is currently an editor at Janus Literary. More at https://saraspunyfingers.com. Reach her @PunyFingers
Star Su grew up in Ann Arbor and is currently an undergraduate at Brown. Her fiction appears or is forthcoming in Waxwing, Passages North, trampset, & elsewhere. She is a flash reader for Split Lip Magazine. Find her on Twitter: @stars_su
Anna De Vaul writes both poetry and prose. Her first book, Volcano (Unsolicited Press 2019), is a collection-length sequence of poems published under the heteronym Elosham Vog. Her chapbook Cosmonaut is forthcoming in Sept. 2021 with Valley Press. Anna is a winner of Eyewear Publishing’s Fortnight Prize and is a Pushcart Prize (fiction) and Forward Prize (best single poem) nominee. She is a founding editor of the literary journal Lighthouse (UK) and an editor for Nimrod International Journal.