Amy Cipolla Barnes is the author of three collections: Mother Figures (ELJ Editions, 2021), Ambrotypes (Word West LLC, 2022), and Child Craft (Belle Point Press, 2023). She has words at The Citron Review, Spartan Lit, JMWW Journal, No Contact Mag, Leon Review, Complete Sentence, Gone Lawn, The Bureau Dispatch, Nurture Lit, X-R-A-Y Lit, McSweeney’s, -ette review, Southern Living, Cease, Cows, and many other sites. Her writing has been nominated for Best of the Net, the Pushcart Prize, Best Microfiction, long-listed for the Wigleaf Top50 in 2021, 2022, and 2023, and included in The Best Small Fictions 2022. She’s a Fractured Lit Associate Editor, Gone Lawn co-editor, Ruby Lit assistant editor, Narratively Chief Submissions Reader, and reads for The MacGuffin, The Best Small Fictions, The Porch TN, and CRAFT.
Stories in Smokelong Quarterly
Drowning on Main Street
Interview: Smoke & Mirrors with
Amy Cipolla Barnes
My mother is an abandoned Kmart
Interview: Smoke & Mirrors
with Amy Cipolla Barnes
Interviewer in Smokelong Quarterly
Smoke & Mirrors with
Dana Brewer Harris
Interview: Smoke & Mirrors with Lindy Biller
Smoke & Mirrors with
Katie Coleman
Interview: Smoke & Mirrors with Melissa Llanes Brownlee
Interview: Smoke & Mirrors with Natalie Warther
Interview: Smoke and Mirrors with Grace Q. Song
Interview: Smoke & Mirrors with Sudha Balagopal
Interview: Smoke & Mirrors with Sara Hills